May 31, 2012

The beauty you've been seeking is already inside you

It seems Dr. Ali Binazir, author of Tao of Dating, and I were in the same pensive mood this past weekend.  While I considered the simple pleasures in my life from a Buddhist perspective, he too was blogging for the Huffington Post about kundalini yoga as a method of accessing internal joy.  Here's an excerpt:

"Partway through the exercise, something cracked inside me. My whole body was already flooded with electricity, and then I felt this expansion in my chest. Perhaps this is what people meant when they talked about their heart opening up. What I can say is that it was a feeling of beauty. The thought with the feeling was this: 'The beauty you've been seeking is already inside you.' / And that's when I cried. Because I realized that all the pretty things I had been chasing down my whole life (read: cute girls) were already residing inside me."

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